Well, it was certainly an interesting weekend for the F&M cycling team. We headed down to Philly with very high expectations. We had been training hard and were very confident of bringing home some great results.
We kicked off the weekend Saturday with a Circuit Race. Sam got a season best 8th in the Women's Intro race, and Adric placed 13th in the Men's Intro race.
For the Men's D race we had high expectations, we fielded four riders: Charlie, Dan, Stephen and Drew. We were confident that both Drew and Stephen were capable of good results. Unfortunately our bad luck started with both Charlie and Drew getting caught up in a crash and Dan getting caught up behind the crash. Drew Broke his bike and Charlie landed on the same hip he had crashed on at Princeton, both had to pull out of the race. The one piece of good news is that Stephen avoided incident and was able to sprint it out, coming in second, scoring the best result for the team so far.
I lined up for the Men's B racing looking for at least another top 10. Unfortunately in the last two miles of the race several riders crashed in front of me causing me to go down as well. Fortunately I was able to land on a pile of people and walked away unharmed.
Sunday morning started early with a Team Time Trail. We had been practicing hard and it payed off with a solid 10th place out of 25 teams.
In the afternoon we finished up with a Crit. Adric placed 10th in the Men's Intro race and Sam placed a season best 5th in the Women's Intro race.
Stephen sprinted well in the Men's D race to score yet another 2nd place for F&M.
All in all a tough but successful weekend. Congrats to everyone who came out. We will rest next weekend to be ready to take on Yale in two weeks time.